North Alabama Nurse Practitioner Association
“Improving Health Care Through Education and Service”

Help needed- Interviewing NPs and Administrators affiliate with a hospital or health system

Posted almost 3 years ago by Amanda Mignogna

My name is Lena Stevens and I am a doctoral student at The Ohio State University.  I am hoping to interview NPs and administrators in primary care practices that are affiliated with a hospital or health system and I was wondering if you might know any NPs or administrators I might be able to interview.


Here is a little bit more information on my third aim:

My goal is to interview NPs and administrators in hospital/health system affiliated primary care practices, in order to create specific recommendations for administrators that will improve the NP – administrator relationship in primary care practices in states with reduced NP scope of practice regulations. For NPS, I am hoping to interview individuals who, on a regular basis, provide direct patient care in a hospital or health system-affiliated primary care practice. For administrators, I am looking for individuals who are familiar with the NP role and responsibilities in hospital or health system affiliated primary care practices, the type of care that NPs provide, feedback NPs might receive about the care they provide, as well as communication and support structures at the primary care practices. For example, some of the administrators I have interviewed over the last few weeks have been primary care practice administrators and NP/APP managers.


We expect one-time Zoom interviews to take about 30-60 minutes. Participation is completely voluntary and study participants will be given a $20 gift card.